Legal Translation
Legal Translation Services in Dubai

We are the certified legal translation services in Dubai. We are so popular that we appear at the top each time you search for ‘legal translation near me’. We are accredited and authorized by all government and judicial departments as the certified legal translation services in Dubai – we can stamp a seal when needed on the translated documents.
Now, before we proceed further – you might be wondering why a need for a certified legal translation in Dubai for your documents is there. Why can’t you submit it in the language of your origin country, or as is the case most of the time, in English, right? Well, if it was so easy, so many hundreds of people won’t be searching for ‘legal translation near me’ every day. Do you know, this phrase, ‘legal translation near me’, is one of the most searched for subjects in Dubai. There are a few reasons for this…
- Most government offices and departments in Dubai accept legal documents only in Arabic, and so almost everyone has to search for ‘legal translation near me’ and get their work done on an urgent basis.
- A legal translation center like ours can make it easy for you, as we know the norms and rules.
- If you go to a friend or someone who simply knows Arabic and is willing to translate for you – you could end up in a mess because legal translation is a very specialized stream and the translator needs to have in depth knowledge of the local laws, as well.
- It will save you time and costly errors and embarrassment if you come to a legal translation center like Quality Translation Services DMCC in Dubai, which tops the list when potential clients search for ‘legal translation near me’.
We specialize in accurate ‘legal translation near me’ and in Dubai in over 150 languages (search for ‘legal translation services near me’ and you will know) and we also undertake documentation work for our clients. Our customers come from Dubai and also, around the globe and most of them find us by searching for ‘legal translation near me’. Either they are in Dubai for various businesses or are in Dubai and doing business in other countries, which is why we offer Arabic to English legal translation in Dubai as well as English to Arabic legal translation services near by, apart from translation to and from various other languages.
What are clients’ top legal translation requirements?
- Our clients come to us for trusted and accurate legal translation services near by. They look to translate business deals, mergers and acquisitions, documents related to court case, legal dispute documents, rules, notices and professional contracts, and more. We help them by offering legal translation services near and far – via emails and couriers.
- We build their case papers efficiently, in a legally accepted manner in the shortest possible time, handling all their requirements that made them search for a translation company near me. We will stand true to the search and deliver quality work.
- Our translators are the best in Dubai with vast experience in the legal field, as well as linguistic proficiency
- Our proofreaders and editors are professionally qualified to look at the work of a legal translation company and offer legal translation services near me and in Dubai; they will assuredly give you an error-free document
- Our client list is elite and high-end, and we set high benchmarks of translation services in Dubai. And so, we have the expertise in dealing with the most complicated and exclusive documents across the globe.
- Our translation center is the best for you because we are certified to notary stamp your translated documents, and these are approved and accepted by all government and judicial arms for official purposes.
What you get at QTS legal translation services in Dubai :
Trust and quality work: Assurance that only the top-quality translation service reaches your desk. The quality of translation is our top priority, and we maintain a consistently high quality of work. Our team of young and energetic linguists and legal eagles are well-known in the professional circles for their top-notch work. Accurate, well-written, structured, to-the-point translation services is our forte.
We translate Certified legal documents in over 150 languages worldwide: All types of certified legal documents are translated by us – into over 150 languages globally. Business documents needing government permissions, court case documents, marriage and divorce certificates, wills and deeds – as we are certified to do so. Our company extends its legal translation services in Dubai and globally to everyone – be it a single pager or an entire set.
High quality benchmark: Apart from translation, our translation services also extends to proofreading and helping with the other legalities involved. We also offer the services of an interpreter, so that you can understand and follow all the proceedings with relative ease. A simple ‘translation services near me’ search will reveal our website and all you need to do is call us or ask for a quote from us online.
Day-and-night services: And if you are in a rush, there’s an urgent meeting, or there has been a last-minute change in court hearing dates, etc., we are always ready to extend our help by going beyond the expected. Our work is not limited to a 9am-5pm office job – we are there 24*7 for our clients and customers. Day or night, our team of linguists and legal experts do not rest till every document of the client has passed the quality test and satisfactorily handed over to the client. Customer satisfaction ranks right up there at the top for us, as the testimonials of some of our very elite clients would reveal.
Value for money: We know, that as certified and authorized legal translation center in Dubai, we owe it to everyone – mostly to our customers – to maintain a very high level of quality, with no compromise whatsoever. This is why once you come to our translation company with your translation services and requirements, you can relax and let us take over – we assure you we will do the best in the shortest possible time. Just ask anyone about ‘Which is the best translation company near me’ and they will direct you to us, in case you want to meet us in person.